Groundsearch Australia is committed to providing employees, contractors and visitors with a healthy and safe environment.
Each of us has a personal responsibility for our safety and the safety of others, both on and off the job and, for the prevention of damage to property.
Groundsearch Australia strives to fully integrate health and safety into all aspects of its activities through a process of continuous improvement.
This will be achieved by:
The Management of Groundsearch Australia’s principal goal is to improve health and safety and to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses.
Groundsearch Australia promotes a proactive health and safety management philosophy based on effective communication and consultation, the systematic identification, assessment and control of hazards and the encouragement of innovation.
All accidents are preventable and all indentifiable health risks are manageable.
At work sites we will achieve this standard by;
1. Identification and reduction of risks associated with operations.
2. Compliance with all legislative requirements including control of the physical environment.
3. Promotion of Employee Health and Welfare.
4. Provision of high quality training and instruction.
5. Involvement of all employees in hazard reduction.
6. Control of internal and external fire and security risk areas.
7. Protection of the Public from any potential adverse effects of the operations.
Groundsearch Australia Pty Limited is committed to the principles of sound environmental management and the concept of sustainable development, and will undertake all of its operations to maximise environmental, economic and social benefits to the community as a whole, in both present and future generations.
We achieve this by;
1. Incorporating measures for the protection of the environment into mining operations and projects from the earliest planning stage.
2. Ensuring that all employees and contractors are aware of Groundsearch Australia’s Policy and of their responsibilities and receive the training necessary to achieve Groundsearch Australia’s objectives.
3. We will accomplish our objective by operating our facilities in an efficient and environmentally sensitive manner.